When my friend came back to Colorado Springs to visit, naturally we asked him what he wanted to do. Hiking Pike’s Peak was not something I expected him to say. I have been reluctant ever since moving to the springs to actually do a 14er, not because I don’t think I couldn’t do it, just because I didn’t want to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and be sore for the next 3-9 days. 

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All Trails Map

Overview of the hike from All Trails

Google Maps

Overview of the hike from Google Maps

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We didn’t start quite as early we were hoping to. We wanted to start the hike at 530am… yeah that didn’t happen. I live in the north eastern part of Colorado Springs, it took me about 30min to drive to my brother’s house on the west side. We packed up our cars and waited for my friend to arrive. I got to my brothers house at 5am… my friend didn’t arrive until 545am, then we didn’t start driving to Crag’s Campground until around 6am.

My friends told me this hike would only take about 5 hours max. Yeah that definitely was a lie. The hike started off really nice. It wasn’t super steep and there weren’t that many rocks to impede us. The first 3-4 miles were a breeze. The last 2-3 miles to the top of the mountain was death. All in all it took us about 6-7 hours to get to the top of Pike’s Peak. 

Highly recommend bringing snacks and 2Liters of water. Bring gloves, a headlamp and toilet paper. There aren’t any amenities until you get to the top of the mountain, 


Also whoever owns the visitor center at the top of pikes peak, you need to hire more workers so the food line isn’t hours long. Also you should make a line for “hikers only” because…. hiking up 7miles then waiting an hour in line for food is something i would deem unacceptable. 


Your Donuts were in point though. 



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